Presentantion of Crocusbank Project European Commission Directorate-General for agriculture and Rural Development Abstract of proposed action Description of CrocusBank Project CrocusBank Links CrocusBank Gallery CrocusBank Meetings CrocusBank Library Central Information System (Germplasm Database) News Contact us
General Description of CrocusBank Project Proposer Partner organisation Objectives Relevance of the objectives: Why Saffron? Relevance of the objectives: What to do? Management of the action European added-value and potential impact of the action Coordination between partners Mobilisation of resources for the action Countries/Regions in witch the action wil be implemented
Saffron is a precious and intriguing species Saffron is an amphiploid with probable low genetic diversity Crocuses are also interesting and valuable species
Exploration and Recollection Conservation and Multiplication Elaboration of a List of Descriptors and Characterisation of the Collection Documentation In vitro Multiplication Molecular and Cytological Characterisation Phytochemical Characterisation Response to stress Application of the Crocus germplasm information and banked accession
WP-01 WP-02 WP-03 WP-04 WP-05 WP-06 WP-07
Saffron genes Saffron meetings... About saffron... ISO Standars for saffron (Specification and Test Methods) About crocuses... Crocus nurseries... Apellations of origin and Geographical areas Press review Scientific literature
ANSE collaborates with the CrocusBank project Saffron in Tuscany and Abruzzo (Italy) 3rd Global Botanic Gardens Congress. April , 2007. China... CROCUSBANK presence at the 2nd ISSBT...Mashhad, 2006 Saffron growers from La Mancha (Spain) First Meeting...Cuenca, 2006 International Workshop ...Albacete, 2007 Fikrat Abdullaev In Memoriam Crocuses Autumn-flowering wild crocuses and landscape in Picos de Europa (2007) More crocuses and collector, Dr. Joaquin Medina (2007)
First Meeting. Cuenca, 2006 (click to see photos) International Workshop. Albacete, 2007 (click to see photos)
First ISSBB...Albacete, 2003 Second ISSBT...Mashhad, 2006 (click to see photos) Workshop, Sardinia, Frebruary, 2006. International Workshop. San Gavino, Monreale, November, 2006 3rd Global Botanic Gardens Congress.... April , 2007. China (click to see photos) Technical Meetings
Central Information System List of Crocus Collection Accession Passport Data Collecting Passport Data List of Crocus species List of Crocus subtaxa List of Donor Institutions List of Collectors List of Source (origin) Countries List of Donor Countries Map of Source Countries Map of Donor Countries Germplasm Gallery Advance Search Collecting Form (English and Spanish) Acquisition and Collecting Protocol (English and Spanish) Germplasm Availability (seeds) (under construction) Germplasm Availability (bulbs) (under construction) Request Germplasm (under construction) Multicrop Passport Descriptors Convention on Biological Diversity International Plant Protection Convention International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources... Code of Conduct for Plant Germplasm Transfer... Documents of the Commission on Genetic Resources...