Institution: University of Drebecen (UD, School of Independent Faculties)
Department/Faculty/Institute/Laboratory name: Faculty of Science/Dt of Botany/Laboratory of Plant Biology
Address: Egyetem tér, 1. 4032 Debrecen. Hungary
Contact Person: Prof. George Borbély, Professor of Botany Expertise / Role: Botany. Biotechnology. Molecular markers
Duties: Participation in SCG (WP-01), CCG (WP-02) and CEGC (WP-05)
Team: Dr. G. Borbély, Professor of Botany; Dr. G. Surányi, Senior Lecturer of Botany; Dr. A. Molnár, Senior Researcher of Botany; Dr. G. Vasas, Senior Lecturer of Botany; and Á. Zubor, PhD student.